Sunday, April 20, 2014

Chapter 12 Section 2 Notes

Nimitz- commander of the U.S. Navy in the Pacific. Plans to atttack Japan.

MacArthur- Phillipines' commander, works to fight off Japanese.

Bataan- Thousands of American soldiers sent to Japanese prison camp. Showed how strong Japanese forces were.

Doolittle Raid- B-25 long-range bombers attack Japan.

Coral Sea- Japan attacks south coast of New Guinea to get Australia to stop their trading line with the U.S.

Midway- Americans defend Midway base. American victory in Pacific.

Afrika Korps- Germans in Egypt fighting British to cut off Britain's trade around Suez Canal.

Erwin Rommel- Powerful Afrika Korps general (Germany).

El Alamein- British victory causes German forces to retreat from around the Suez Canal.

George Patton- Leads American forces into Morocco, captures Casablanca.

Casablanca- City captured in Morocco by U.S. troops.

Kassarine Pass- Huge losses for the U.S.

Convoy System- U.S. cargo ships escorted by warships. This caused less cargo ship losses caused by the U-boats.

Stalingrad- Germany vs. Soviet Union. Germans attack Stalingrad to try to cut off war resources. Led to Soviet victory. All in all, Germany's and Japan's forces had now been significantly weakened.

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